Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Psalm 91

WOW! God is so good, not only did he send His one and only Son to the Cross to die for me, but He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. God is our refuge, God is our protector, God is our Shield, God goes before us, God goes behind us, and God is right beside us! God says, that because we love him He will rescue us, because we acknowledge His name He will protect us. God says I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. What an amazing God we serve who is above all, who is robed in glory, and who knows me by name! I love Jesus!!! I wonder, do you think we give to Jesus from a heart perspective the way he calls us to? Are we falling in love with our creator daily? Wondering if the challenge in the North American church isn't because of a lack of devotion and heart commitment to our God who really does love and care for us His children! Our world is so lost and yet so often we just tend to go on our Mary way, Yet the Living God desires that all would come to believe in His Son and have life! Jesus never did ministry where he wasn't pointing to the Father first! Let us Point in everything we do to the Father First who loves us and desires for us to Love Him! Learning to Lean on Jesus, Learning to Trust in The Living God!

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