Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Missing YOU...

Well, today being the last day before we go to Iowa and see our girls and I am so thankful! I miss Kailey and Lauryn so much! I miss their little voices, and the play times, I miss their laughter, I miss dad will you get up with me, I miss going outside with them and just that wonderful time together, I miss you girls so much, yet I am so glad you were able to go and spend some time with PaPa Paul and Grandma Cindy, I am so glad your loved by other people, I am so glad you are my daughters! I am reading this book by Dr. James Dobson, "Bringing up girls." My desire is to be a father that richly influences you both with Jesus, Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, but also health, and I want to instill in you both just how beautiful you are! I was convicted today by some of the TV shows I allow you to watch that are wrong just because I am seeing how they are trying to so influence my little girls into something that GOD never called them to! Kailey and Lauryn I am so blessed to be your daddy, and I love you both for a 100,000 reasons but most of all I love you just because your YOU! Keep smiling because Jesus and DAD love you very Much!!!

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