Thursday, May 20, 2010


Clearing your heart is such a relief even when your not in the wrong! To say I am sorry and to get the load off of your chest is really a blessing! God never intended for us to walk around life having this crazy feeling of can't amount to anything, hanging over our heads! SO often lately I have been feeling as though this is true! I know deep in my heart that this a lie from the enemy! Today I sent some letters out where I have been blamed on driving people out of the church, HOG WASH! But I truly shared my heart I am so Sorry if I came across this way! Some people feel like I am pushy. Today in the church people want there heart tickled but do not really want the word of GOD declared to them! The problem is this is complacency and complacency in the Church, the bride of Christ should not be! We are just okay with where we are with what we have and with what is going on as long as it helps me or encourages me some how! My prayer is more like, transform me, change me, offend me, and help me to get out of my shell and be what you want, loving people all the way, but this type of passion in areas of the church today is not welcome! Jesus help us! For we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed but of those who believe and are saved! Help me Jesus to stand for YOU!!!

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