Well, 2009 is soon to be over and 2010 is now right around the corner! Hanging on tight to Jesus knowing he is able to get me through the challenges that are yet ahead! Another year is like coming out on a bucking bull, you only have one choice and that is to hang on and give it all you have and never give up! Now is another year and not only that it's 2010 year which means hang on and Don't let go no matter what! For 2010 I am pressing on to lean on Christ more than ever, I want to fall in love with Jesus every day like never before! I want to be a better father, and much better husband. I want to be a Christ centered parent, husband, pastor and friend! I am believing that in 2010 I will have victory and will have confidence to face all the challenges that are ahead! My life is not my own, I have been bought with the blood of Jesus Christ and forever I am His! I know my days are in His hands and what happens to me has already passed through the hands of the Living God!
In His Grip, Daily! Ready, Get set GO!!!
Job 19:25 "I Know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth."
Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Well, I am so excited about serving Jesus Christ my Lord! It is so awesome to be able to live life fully and abundantly for His glory! I am blessed just to know Him who knows all, sees all and yet loves me unfailingly! Last several weeks I have been preaching a sermon series entitled, "What's Love Got to do With it." We have been discovering that Love has everything to do with what we do as Christians as the church! God calls us time and time again to love people! In fact He commands us to Love people! It has been a very exciting journey talking about Love! Last Sunday the title to the message was Love Presses In! Well, we are praying and believing for the Lord to take us to the next step in our worship on Sunday morning! We need a worship team, and I believe some how God is going to provide just that! Well, the other exciting news is that my Blog name has also become the Name of our church CrossRoads Community Church of the Nazarene! I am so excited about the plans that Almighty God really does have in store for us his Children! I am trusting for this to only be the beginning to what God is going to do in this community of believers! We have new families coming to visit and life is popping up all over even in the midst of winter coming on full blast! Well, reporting to the fact that I am an eyewitness to what Jesus Christ is doing, praise the Lord!!!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Pressing In...
The Bible says, "Come near to God and He will come near to you." (James 4:8)
Everybody wants saved from Hell, everybody wants eternal life, everybody wants freedom, everybody wants what Christ so freely offers yet so little really want to live life "Pressing In" as close to the Savior as possible! It's interesting to me how people come up with all different ways of being saved from sin, being a Christian, being set free, yet there is only one way to have life abundantly and eternally. We don't receive life by being a good person, we aren't welcomed into the gates of Heaven because we came up with our own plan of having freedom without following Gods agenda! LIFE, Salvation, Freedom, Heaven, only belong to those who confess with their mouth and believe in their heart that Jesus Christ is Lord! Only Jesus saves, only Jesus sets us free, only Jesus can redeem us, only Jesus can give us the victory every single day to live life to the full with Christ as our master instead of sin! The Bible tells us, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that who ever believes in Him will not perish but will have everlasting life." (John 3:16) Jesus loved us so much, the world, that we died on a cross, a brutal death, in order to set us free from sins grip on our lives! Why then would we not want to PRESS IN as close as possible to the one who gave His life, so that we might live? Jesus loves you right now, where you, with what you have! Press in as close to Jesus and watch your life become daily transformed! PRESSING IN!
Everybody wants saved from Hell, everybody wants eternal life, everybody wants freedom, everybody wants what Christ so freely offers yet so little really want to live life "Pressing In" as close to the Savior as possible! It's interesting to me how people come up with all different ways of being saved from sin, being a Christian, being set free, yet there is only one way to have life abundantly and eternally. We don't receive life by being a good person, we aren't welcomed into the gates of Heaven because we came up with our own plan of having freedom without following Gods agenda! LIFE, Salvation, Freedom, Heaven, only belong to those who confess with their mouth and believe in their heart that Jesus Christ is Lord! Only Jesus saves, only Jesus sets us free, only Jesus can redeem us, only Jesus can give us the victory every single day to live life to the full with Christ as our master instead of sin! The Bible tells us, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that who ever believes in Him will not perish but will have everlasting life." (John 3:16) Jesus loved us so much, the world, that we died on a cross, a brutal death, in order to set us free from sins grip on our lives! Why then would we not want to PRESS IN as close as possible to the one who gave His life, so that we might live? Jesus loves you right now, where you, with what you have! Press in as close to Jesus and watch your life become daily transformed! PRESSING IN!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Cut it out...
The other day in the Christian book store here in Sedalia, MO, I came across a little sign that read Simplify. To cut out time and to truly Simplify life one must really begin to realize that less is more! I believe sometimes we make life so difficult and frustrating along with confusing just because we choose to. With all the schedules of life and the GO, GO, GO, and where exactly do you ever Cut it out and STOP. As I am working on building Gods church, His Kingdom, to make it Simple means so much, because without simple we completely make difficult the situation making the church more frustrating than really should be! Living daily for Jesus in a very cold/difficult world is very challenging when one is trying to Simplify life. I am more and more understanding that Jesus is longing for Simple obedience, just for His people to respond to Him with a YES! I believe we even complicate our walk with God, but IF we would just simply walk with Jesus daily in surrender to Him, I believe we would find life less complicated! Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track." This is truly making life more simple when indeed all we need is to Simply trust the Lord from the bottom of our heart! I want to cut out the things that I have placed in my life that make it more difficult than simple. Cut it out!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Plug it in - Plug it in...
WHAT? Plug it in, Plug what in? I am not talking about another fragrance room filling plug in by Glade, although they are very fragrant filling! I am talking about plugging in to Jesus Christ! God has so many plans for our lives IF we would just simply follow his leading! I believe that more times than not we are flooded with all kinds of thoughts, and feelings just based off of life! Nothing wrong perhaps with some thoughts, but here is food for thought! What would happen in our schools, our churches, our government, our country, the state you live, the city you live in, our families, our friends, even our own lives IF we GOT Plugged into Jesus Christ! Jesus simply says, "apart from me you can do nothing." We in America don't really understand that or we choose not to because our success has to be because of my hard work, or my this or that! The truth is friends that without the help of the Lord, our work would amount to NOTHING! This week I have been thinking about How I can get even more plugged in to Jesus! I really need even more so the great aroma of Almighty God can feel my life to overflowing! What about you? Are you allowing God to overflow your life with His joy, peace, comfort, strength, and love? If your not, he wants to and if you are, He wants to even more! Plug Him in, Plug Him in!!!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Getting up and Moving on...
Psalm 71:1-4 says, "In you, O Lord, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame. Rescue me and deliver me in your righteousness; turn your ear to me and save me. Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go; give the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress. Deliver me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of evil and cruel men."
Jesus is there in lives trouble in lives ruggedness, Jesus is there in times of difficult situations, Jesus is there in the good and in the bad. WHY? Listen, Because He cares! Jesus Loves you, more than you and I can even imagine! When you think of having a refuge it is an awesome thing to think that Almighty God longs to be your personal refuge. God longs to keep you and hold you out of shames reach. God longs to deliver us His children the sheep of His pasture. God turns His ear to us and listens to what we have to say! The Psalmist says, GOD be my rock of refuge that I can always go to. Are you running to God or are you running away from God? Are you longing for the things of God or are you longing for the things of this world? Get up and move on in Jesus! You can't do it by yourself and you won't do it with out the empowering love of the Holy Spirit! Remember Jesus prayed saying, "Father take this cup from me, yet not what I will but what you will." Jesus did not take the easy way out, he took the difficult road, the road of danger, of risk, and even death! Friends today, may the hand of God reach out to you, and be the refuge that today you are so needing! May you today be encouraged, empowered and moved to live for Jesus, not self! Be my refuge!
Jesus is there in lives trouble in lives ruggedness, Jesus is there in times of difficult situations, Jesus is there in the good and in the bad. WHY? Listen, Because He cares! Jesus Loves you, more than you and I can even imagine! When you think of having a refuge it is an awesome thing to think that Almighty God longs to be your personal refuge. God longs to keep you and hold you out of shames reach. God longs to deliver us His children the sheep of His pasture. God turns His ear to us and listens to what we have to say! The Psalmist says, GOD be my rock of refuge that I can always go to. Are you running to God or are you running away from God? Are you longing for the things of God or are you longing for the things of this world? Get up and move on in Jesus! You can't do it by yourself and you won't do it with out the empowering love of the Holy Spirit! Remember Jesus prayed saying, "Father take this cup from me, yet not what I will but what you will." Jesus did not take the easy way out, he took the difficult road, the road of danger, of risk, and even death! Friends today, may the hand of God reach out to you, and be the refuge that today you are so needing! May you today be encouraged, empowered and moved to live for Jesus, not self! Be my refuge!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Living in the Comfort of the King...
Isaiah 54:10 says, "Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken, nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on YOU."
To live life in the shadow and care of the King is the best place in all the world to live! Just to know that even though life is tough and very hard at times in fact I would go as far as to say life is even heavy, YET no matter what life may be like God remains steady, strong, and unshakable! Today I am moved after reading a blog that was written by a very good friend of my family! In this blog she talks about how life is extremely hard and tough and the mountains around her seem to be falling and crumbling around her. Instead of soaring on wings like eagles she is wondering around with the wild turkeys! This makes me wonder as a pastor how many people are trying to live life and the mountains are crumbling right before their very eyes. She goes on to say that she is having some time just to cry, and I mean wail before God, just falling down on her knees before a Holy God who she knows loves her and is trying to surrender her all to Jesus Christ! The first step I believe in getting past the very difficult areas of life is to fall down before God in total submission!
The bible says, "Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed. STOP! EVEN when not if but when the mountains and the hills of your life and my life are shaken, friends hold tight to Jesus! For he goes on and says, YET, my unfailing love for you will NOT BE SHAKEN! No matter how hard life shakes us and even hurts us, Gods love for us remains steady, alive and real! God says that he will keep his covenant of PEACE! God continues to amaze me, because he is always keeping his end of the bargain and more!
Today friends wherever we find ourselves on this journey called life, let us find ourselves approaching life with our chin up, and our knees down! Living life fully with the grace of Almighty God, and knowing that He who knows all, and sees all, loves us unfailingly! For the WORD says, that God is for us not against us. Jesus said, I am putting you out like sheep among wolves! Life is going to be tough, hard, and painful, but Jesus is going to remain FAITHFUL! Be strong, Be very Strong, and don't allow the winds of Life to knock you over and keep you down! GET up, and fight the good fight, and run the race that is marked out for us to run! Be encouraged and take a leap of faith and believe! Living today, moving beyond yesterday, and fully relying upon Jesus! The good life!
To live life in the shadow and care of the King is the best place in all the world to live! Just to know that even though life is tough and very hard at times in fact I would go as far as to say life is even heavy, YET no matter what life may be like God remains steady, strong, and unshakable! Today I am moved after reading a blog that was written by a very good friend of my family! In this blog she talks about how life is extremely hard and tough and the mountains around her seem to be falling and crumbling around her. Instead of soaring on wings like eagles she is wondering around with the wild turkeys! This makes me wonder as a pastor how many people are trying to live life and the mountains are crumbling right before their very eyes. She goes on to say that she is having some time just to cry, and I mean wail before God, just falling down on her knees before a Holy God who she knows loves her and is trying to surrender her all to Jesus Christ! The first step I believe in getting past the very difficult areas of life is to fall down before God in total submission!
The bible says, "Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed. STOP! EVEN when not if but when the mountains and the hills of your life and my life are shaken, friends hold tight to Jesus! For he goes on and says, YET, my unfailing love for you will NOT BE SHAKEN! No matter how hard life shakes us and even hurts us, Gods love for us remains steady, alive and real! God says that he will keep his covenant of PEACE! God continues to amaze me, because he is always keeping his end of the bargain and more!
Today friends wherever we find ourselves on this journey called life, let us find ourselves approaching life with our chin up, and our knees down! Living life fully with the grace of Almighty God, and knowing that He who knows all, and sees all, loves us unfailingly! For the WORD says, that God is for us not against us. Jesus said, I am putting you out like sheep among wolves! Life is going to be tough, hard, and painful, but Jesus is going to remain FAITHFUL! Be strong, Be very Strong, and don't allow the winds of Life to knock you over and keep you down! GET up, and fight the good fight, and run the race that is marked out for us to run! Be encouraged and take a leap of faith and believe! Living today, moving beyond yesterday, and fully relying upon Jesus! The good life!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Living out the Desires of the Heart
Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." The longer I live for Jesus the longer I become aware of the fact that He is longing to bless me with the very desires of my heart! God is so loving and so compassionate and sometimes we only can see God who is Holy, who hates sin and who is longing for people to love him with our everything! Yet so quickly we forget that our God, God Almighty, The Alpha and Omega loves us and is longing to pour out into our lives blessing after blessing that flows from the desires of our heart! Some people believe that when God says that He will give us our hearts desire this really means spiritual issues! Friends today I believe that to believe this is to keep God in a little box and underestimate the God we serve who is Holy, who hates sin and loves the sinner, and who is longing for us to love him with our all daily! We underestimate the God who created the heavens and earth in 6 days! Delight yourself in Jesus, and your hearts desire will be given to you! Trust the Lord! Hears a story a little food for thought. My best friend from back home, years ago was praying for a 1969 SS Chevy Camaro, with blue racing stripes, owned by old people who had it in the barn. Guess what after praying for 10 years about a heart desire he had, God blessed him with a 1969 SS Chevy Camaro, with blue racing stripes, owned by old people, and they had it in the barn! Some people thought this is crazy to even pray, Lord bless me, But friends understand God is just longing to bless those who daily delight themselves in Jesus Christ! Jesus Bless me with a 4 door, 4x4 short bed pick up truck, as I delight myself in You! Jesus is able and today I trust and believe in the Holy Word of God!!! Delighting in Jesus.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Behold the New...
Isaiah 43:18 - 19 (message) says, "Forget about what's happened; don't keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand-new. It's bursting out! Don't you see it? There it is! I'm making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands." Almighty God who is the creator and sustainer of all life, the one who knows and all and sees all and yet loves me unfailingly is doing a new thing in the life of his people! In the midst of an economy that is struggling to keep a float and moving upward, we have God who loves us so much that not only did he put flesh and die, and then rise again victoriously, but friends we have a God who knows you and who me by name, and get this, HE CARES! I believe its really time for the church of Jesus Christ throughout the world to forget about what's happened, to stop looking over the old history. It's time to be alert, be present. Jesus is doing new, in fact a brand new thing, it's bursting out! DO we not see it, are we not watching? There it is! God who makes no mistakes, who never fails is making a road in the desert, rivers are coming alive in the badlands! Let's get excited, let's start dancing, and start lifting our hands in worship and surrender to the one who has called us, who knows us, and who cares!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Making the Most...
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt
I believe that God wants us to make the most out of life with what we have! Life is so full of all kinds of mishaps, all kinds of busy items, from basketball games, church events, what to have for supper, where are we going for vacation, and where should my 4 yr old go to preschool! Just recently we just found out that my oldest daughter Kailey would not be able to go to the preschool we had picked out because there are not enough kids signed up! Then my wife found a school for Kailey that she is checking out today, where Kailey will go 5 hours a day four days a week. All of a sudden life hit me with a wait a minute my little girl is growing up and way to fast, well to fast for my heart! Doing what you can, with what you have, where you are, some times is a very challenging process of events. Life is tough, life is full of life happening events that makes it very tough, but in the midst of it all here we have so close a God who remains closer than ever and loves us through it all! I pray that God will help me to do what I can, with what I have, where I am right now! I know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose!!!
I believe that God wants us to make the most out of life with what we have! Life is so full of all kinds of mishaps, all kinds of busy items, from basketball games, church events, what to have for supper, where are we going for vacation, and where should my 4 yr old go to preschool! Just recently we just found out that my oldest daughter Kailey would not be able to go to the preschool we had picked out because there are not enough kids signed up! Then my wife found a school for Kailey that she is checking out today, where Kailey will go 5 hours a day four days a week. All of a sudden life hit me with a wait a minute my little girl is growing up and way to fast, well to fast for my heart! Doing what you can, with what you have, where you are, some times is a very challenging process of events. Life is tough, life is full of life happening events that makes it very tough, but in the midst of it all here we have so close a God who remains closer than ever and loves us through it all! I pray that God will help me to do what I can, with what I have, where I am right now! I know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose!!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
In Everything...
Living life knowing that Almighty God is in everything in my life, first and foremost because I want Him there! Just to know that God is in every little detail of my life, He's in every large detail of my life gives me peace just knowing that He who knows all, and sees all, loves me unfailingly! Today I am reminded just how much I am loved by the King of Kings! I am confronted by the unfailing love of Almighty God whenever I go to Walmart, or any public place where people are present! I see people with all different kinds of scars from life. Scars from a divorce, from the loss of a child, the loss a parent, the loss of a job. People who have no food, no money, no bed at night or even a place to call home. I see people who have no idea how much Jesus Christ loves them! I see people who don't realize that God is longing to be involved in everything in the life of His creation but to often people remain caught up in sin and living the life of emptiness! My hearts prayer and passion is to some how have this amazing love, this perfect love that Jesus has, to just push out through me, and me magnified in me! To be open to the Holy Spirit and being obedient to what he calls us to! God is in everything in our life IF we will just open up the door and let Him in! To God be praised...
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Living with Joy...
You know to live with Joy is where God has called us to live! The world looks as though there having a lot of fun, but they have NO joy. Joy only comes when one has completely surrendered to Jesus Christ! You can't get joy by having lots of money, or not having money at all, you can't get joy by having a big house or nice car, but YOU can have joy by knowing and living for Jesus Christ daily! We have just moved to Sedalia MO, to start a new assignment that Jesus has given me, and I am full of the joy of the Lord, because He who has called me, who has enabled me, has also empowered me and given me Joy, Joy, Joy! Jesus is the Joy giver, when life hits hard and it does it hard, Jesus is still here to give freely His joy! It reminds of me of song I learned a child in church, I have got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, WHERE, down in my heart, WHERE, down in my heart, I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down heart, WHERE, down in my heart to stay, and I'm so happy, so very happy, I've got the Love of Jesus in H-E-A-R-T, so very happy, so happy, I've got the joy of Jesus in my heart! Jesus is faster than high speed internet, He stronger than the worlds strongest man, boat, car, truck, tractor, and He is the Joy maker and giver of all life!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Following the Leader...
Jesus called out to some men who would later be known as disciples. Jesus said, "Come follow me and I will make you fishers of man." I love to fish, it is really relaxing and just a lot of fun. I have been known to use live bait and just a lure. I am always looking for new ways to catch fish that really work. Jesus asked the 12 to just leave it all, pick up the courage of Christ, the faith of Christ and catch people. I want with all my heart to be a people catching, kingdom building, fisherman! I want it to be His way, not my way. For it is His kingdom, not mine and its all for His glory not mine! Living life to please Jesus is life abundantly. Living life to please self is worldliness = no life! Since 2006 God has called my wife and I to some very deep and at times painful learning. As I reflect back on these past 3 yrs I am still reminded of the pain since every week my wife and I are giving our oldest daughter shots for her "JRA" who is only 3. That has been the hardest part of reflection journey. Most of it has just been denying self and following the Master Jesus Christ. Life is tough, but God is so faithful. I have been feeling like Moses must have when he went through some real dry time. I am reminded that Jesus is the Spring of life that never goes dry. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jesus is everything to me and My hearts desire is to be faithful to him every step of this next journey He calls me to. I earnestly want to be a fisher of people. God so loved People that he sent Jesus to DIE! I love Jesus!!! May Jesus use me to build His Church, His Kingdom, and to fulfill His Will...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Trusting in Jesus...
"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when the heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." (Jeremiah 17:7-8)
Trusting in Jesus can truly be a joy when one chooses to truly trust in the mighty calling of Jesus Christ. I must confess at times trusting in Jesus is absolutely mind boggling! Saying YES to Jesus and then living it out is so much where the heart beat of being a Christian really is! To say we follow Jesus is to completely Trust him in every detail and at every corner of our lives. EASY? NOT on your life! It's easy knowing that Jesus is able to do far more than we can even ask, think or even imagine. Jesus is real, He cares, in fact He really cares! Our past history has nothing to do with the compassion that Jesus pours over people who willingly place not only their heart but the core of their heart, TRUST! We can only really give Jesus one thing, and that is our TRUST! I Want Jesus to help me to daily trust in Him and in the things in which He is calling me to partake in. I want to be so completely trusting in Jesus that I find all of life's worries - GONE! I Want TO LIVE TO TRUST JESUS MORE & MORE!!!
Trusting in Jesus can truly be a joy when one chooses to truly trust in the mighty calling of Jesus Christ. I must confess at times trusting in Jesus is absolutely mind boggling! Saying YES to Jesus and then living it out is so much where the heart beat of being a Christian really is! To say we follow Jesus is to completely Trust him in every detail and at every corner of our lives. EASY? NOT on your life! It's easy knowing that Jesus is able to do far more than we can even ask, think or even imagine. Jesus is real, He cares, in fact He really cares! Our past history has nothing to do with the compassion that Jesus pours over people who willingly place not only their heart but the core of their heart, TRUST! We can only really give Jesus one thing, and that is our TRUST! I Want Jesus to help me to daily trust in Him and in the things in which He is calling me to partake in. I want to be so completely trusting in Jesus that I find all of life's worries - GONE! I Want TO LIVE TO TRUST JESUS MORE & MORE!!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Living in the IF...
2 Chronicles 7:14 - "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
Jesus is so amazing, so awesome, so wonderful, so loving, so perfect, so caring, forgiving, compassionate, and always trying to get closer to His children. God places before us many times throughout the scripture the word if. If seems to appear its face every where you turn in life. The real question is what do YOU do with the If factor? I believe that Gods promises are secure and strong enough to hold the entire body of believers. To truly live out the if that we so often face we must believe Gods word completely and take it for what it says or else if steps in and defeats our every move. There use to be an old song that said, "every move I make I make in you, you make me move Jesus, every breath I take I take in you." The song goes on to say you are my way Jesus, You are my way Jesus!!! Jesus is the only way, He is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE!!! JESUS IS only way to conquer the if in our life. Gods word says, if my people who are called. That means one powerful thing, to all who have accepted the call of God in their life has the empowered ability to overcome the if! We have got to learn to trust and obey God all the way, even when it just does not make since, or when the risk seems overwhelming. We must remember we are called by the Living God who conquered Death, Hell, and the Grave! Thank you Jesus! Learning to trust Jesus more, one day at a time. Live in the Blessing of God!!!
Jesus is so amazing, so awesome, so wonderful, so loving, so perfect, so caring, forgiving, compassionate, and always trying to get closer to His children. God places before us many times throughout the scripture the word if. If seems to appear its face every where you turn in life. The real question is what do YOU do with the If factor? I believe that Gods promises are secure and strong enough to hold the entire body of believers. To truly live out the if that we so often face we must believe Gods word completely and take it for what it says or else if steps in and defeats our every move. There use to be an old song that said, "every move I make I make in you, you make me move Jesus, every breath I take I take in you." The song goes on to say you are my way Jesus, You are my way Jesus!!! Jesus is the only way, He is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE!!! JESUS IS only way to conquer the if in our life. Gods word says, if my people who are called. That means one powerful thing, to all who have accepted the call of God in their life has the empowered ability to overcome the if! We have got to learn to trust and obey God all the way, even when it just does not make since, or when the risk seems overwhelming. We must remember we are called by the Living God who conquered Death, Hell, and the Grave! Thank you Jesus! Learning to trust Jesus more, one day at a time. Live in the Blessing of God!!!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Living in the Will of God...

John 15:5, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." I believe that we must come to the realization that Jesus is the only way by which life even exists, apart from Jesus you really amount to nothing and can do nothing! I am in pursuit of Gods will for me. I am calling out to Jesus, knowing that He will hear me and give me direction to where He is calling me to 'Love God, Love People, and Serve the World.' My dear friends, climbing the latter of success amounts to nothing when you go about it with out Jesus! I want to succeed, but apart from Christ I can do nothing! I dare you to climb the latter placing Jesus #1 in your life every step of the way and if you do God will make clear to you His will for your life. Have a blessed Day! In His Grip, and living life to the full!!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Living on the Promises of God
Psalm 91:9-16, "If you make the Most High your dwelling - even the Lord, who is my refuge - then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent (house). For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. Because he loves me, says the Lord, I will rescue him; I will protect him for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation." I have to say we serve a God who is bigger than we are! We serve a God who knows all and sees all and nothing is hidden from Him! I am so thankful to know that my ways and thoughts are not as high as Almighty God. I think we try to often to make God into this little God! I don't know about you but I don't need a little God, but a mighty God who is able to do more than I can even think, ask or even imagine! What an awesome God! When people can say they understand God then watch out because is greater than our minds can even comprehend! I love Jesus and desire to serve him and follow him. Him promises are for the believer, for the child of the King. And we are able to stand upon them and live secure and solid lives all for His glory! The world is so full of themselves and they are being blinded so they can't even believe by the god of this world (Satan), and only Jesus Christ can set the captive free, only JESUS. Living in His Grip, Out!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Good Friday...
The thought of someone dying for me, literally for me, so that I might have life and have it to the full is out of this world amazing. Jesus died, Jesus gave his life, Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. John 19:1-6, says, "Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged. The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head. They clothed him in a purple robe and went up to him again and again, saying, Hail, king of the Jews! And they struck him in the face. Once more Pilate came out and said to the Jews, Look, I am bringing him out to you to let you know that I find no basis for a charge against him. When Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, Pilate said to them, Here is the man! As soon as the chief priests and their officials saw him, they shouted, CRUCIFY! CRUCIFY! To remember that no one took the life of Jesus, but Jesus laid down his own life for us, that while we were sinners Christ died for US! Remember this, that the blood that flowed from Jesus as he hung on the cross, was for YOU & ME! I wonder does he still feel the nails every time I fail, does he hear the crowd shouting crucify again and again, am I causing him pain, then I know I have got to change because I can not bare the thought of hurting him more! What amazing Grace! Thank you Jesus for dying so that I might live! Thank you for the cross, in that it represents your love for mankind. Thank you Jesus for loving us so much that you chose the hard cross road of life, that we might have life. Amen...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Living in the Crossroad of Life...
Life is full of Crossroads. It seems like everyday your faced with a decision of some kind, to choose, to pick, to stop, or slow down. Lately at work they started by cutting hours, and today we found out that layoffs begin now! SO tomorrow I will find out if I am still employed or if I will be filing for unemployment. Crossroads! Life never ceases to amaze me in the direction sometimes it takes you. Just like I remember when dad and I would play catch. I may try and throw a fast ball but some reason it ended up being a curve ball 50 ft to right or left of dad. Life is a lot like that, we want so bad to go a certain direction, but life takes down another course. Well, through it all I am reminded that Jesus Christ is still on the throne. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! So now matter what tomorrow holds for me or maybe for you, it is critical that we know and hold to the fact that Jesus holds tomorrow! Gods word is full of scripture telling us to Trust in Jesus more! Proverbs 3:5-6 come to mind, that we are trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding but in all our way acknowledge Him and He will direct our paths. I believe now more than ever that Jesus is soon to return and don't want to miss it! I stand at a Crossroad today, and as I stand, I ponder that my God is able to do more than I can ask or even imagine. I pray about the best road to take, and then I step out in Christ and move one step at a time! Living in the peace of Christ!!!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Living in the fullness of Christ.
God is so good! I am amazed to how awesome, and how good to me God truly is! In fact I would go farther and say that God is beyond Good. God is indescribable!
Psalm 1 says, "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers." WOW! Powerful words from the word of God. I want to be a man that is daily delighting myself in Jesus. I remember where my dad use to keep his cattle was creek that ran through the middle of the pasture. It had little water in it, but it was amazing to me the trees that would grow out of that creek bed green and full of life! Sometimes the rains would come and there would be lots of water there, but for the most part there was just a trace of water always in the creek. Its the same with us and God! If we will plant our lives in Jesus, we will be like the trees in the creek that had just enough water at nourishment at all times. The bible says, "which yield its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither." As for us, that would be the fruits of the spirit, - Galatians 5:22, "But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." Delighting yourself in Jesus gives you victory and success and as the word says in Psalm 1:3 "Whatever he does prospers." thank you Jesus! Really God is Good all the time, and living for Jesus is truly a gift! I am so blessed to be able to live for the King! In His Peace.
Psalm 1 says, "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers." WOW! Powerful words from the word of God. I want to be a man that is daily delighting myself in Jesus. I remember where my dad use to keep his cattle was creek that ran through the middle of the pasture. It had little water in it, but it was amazing to me the trees that would grow out of that creek bed green and full of life! Sometimes the rains would come and there would be lots of water there, but for the most part there was just a trace of water always in the creek. Its the same with us and God! If we will plant our lives in Jesus, we will be like the trees in the creek that had just enough water at nourishment at all times. The bible says, "which yield its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither." As for us, that would be the fruits of the spirit, - Galatians 5:22, "But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." Delighting yourself in Jesus gives you victory and success and as the word says in Psalm 1:3 "Whatever he does prospers." thank you Jesus! Really God is Good all the time, and living for Jesus is truly a gift! I am so blessed to be able to live for the King! In His Peace.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Psalm 37:3-6
"Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun."
Nike says, "Just Do It" but really where do we take those words and place them into action? Over and over again God gives us constant words of direction followed with powerful words of encouragement. Often times these words fall on cold hearts or idle lives. I am convinced that God is not calling us into a trust relationship just because, but understand that God is longing for intimacy with you and me. God does not have favorites but he does have intimates! As we trust God he gives us safety in the land we live in. Hard times, struggles beyond imagination are here but God is present and He cares for you and for me! As we delight ourselves in Jesus, our hearts desires become fulfilled. I believe its critical to remember that Life is not about us, but Jesus! The bible tells us that if our ways will be committed to God, then our righteousness is going to shine and the justice of our cause will come forth like the noonday sun! My prayer is that stop, and we fall on our knees before a HOLY God and we take time to get Intimate with the King of Kings and we feast eating nothing but the best of the best. I was born for Thee, What is Thy will for me, I will do all for Thee! Living in the Moment!
"Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun."
Nike says, "Just Do It" but really where do we take those words and place them into action? Over and over again God gives us constant words of direction followed with powerful words of encouragement. Often times these words fall on cold hearts or idle lives. I am convinced that God is not calling us into a trust relationship just because, but understand that God is longing for intimacy with you and me. God does not have favorites but he does have intimates! As we trust God he gives us safety in the land we live in. Hard times, struggles beyond imagination are here but God is present and He cares for you and for me! As we delight ourselves in Jesus, our hearts desires become fulfilled. I believe its critical to remember that Life is not about us, but Jesus! The bible tells us that if our ways will be committed to God, then our righteousness is going to shine and the justice of our cause will come forth like the noonday sun! My prayer is that stop, and we fall on our knees before a HOLY God and we take time to get Intimate with the King of Kings and we feast eating nothing but the best of the best. I was born for Thee, What is Thy will for me, I will do all for Thee! Living in the Moment!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Push - Pull
Lately being pushed and pulled by life has been constant! About the time I am getting used to being pushed, all of a sudden I start feel the pull in another direction. All across the globe today millions of people are without a job wondering how they are going to pay bills, feed their families, and just make ends meet. Life is tough, its full of challenging situations where we either stand our ground or we become PUSHED or PULLED in several different directions! I want my heart and your heart to be reminded of the fact that God is not being pushed or pulled anywhere and He is listening to us! He cares! He knows were hurting with life circumstances! I believe right now at the very Crossroad of life, where I am and where you are, God is simply calling us to abide in His so His words may abide in us! I believe it is critical that we stand firmly upon the promises of God and that we claim them in the midst of being PUSHED and PULLED or least extremely feeling it because life is tough, but friends GOD remains faithful! Get your chin up and realize with me that there is no mountain to big for GOD, there is no river to wide, or Ocean to deep that God himself can't move out of our way or pick us up and move us where ever He needs us! I was born for Thee, I will give my all for Thee, What is Thy will for me! Living in the moment with Jesus!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Man we need Jesus!!!
Have you ever just stopped and realized just how much Jesus is needed in your life? Have you ever just cried out, "Jesus I Need YOU."? Today I am reminded that people need Jesus. Not only do they need the Living God, they need to be reminded that the Living God is crazy about you and me! Sometimes I feel so far out that if not careful I lose sight of where God has called me to be! You see living for Jesus is what life is all about, because without Jesus well, there is NOT LIFE! People are suffering with cancer, heart failure, diseases of all kinds, and suffering is all around us. People are hurting and only Jesus can see us through the battles of life that we face! I have a really good friend who is struggeling with physical problems, from liver cancer, to battling the pains of the cancer. My own family, with $ struggles to hurts and pains! The Bible clearly tells us that we are to bare each others burdens! I believe that if healing is going to be seen in the church then the church must carry the burdens of each of. I mean to really bare the hurts of what our brothers and sisters and burdened with! God help us to to truly stand in the GAP for each other! I Love My Wife, I love my 2 daughters, I Love Jesus Christ! Living to Please the MASTER!
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